06 August 2008

Now they gotta justify it

According to several media outlets, a federal judge has unsealed the documents in the case of Bruce Ivins, accused of the anthrax mailings, in order for the FBI to justify the indictment and thus get them off the hook for his suicide: "The details of the FBI's scientific research and accomplishments will validate the government's decision regarding the origin of the anthrax mailings," said one federal law enforcement official familiar with the evidence.

Rico says that, barring something unusual popping up, it looks like this guy would have gone down for the murders, so his killing himself just saved the government a lot of trial money. But Rico is really tired of reading this in news reports: "All of them spoke on the condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss the case." If you're not authorized to discuss the case, why are you discussing the case? And, worse yet, why is somebody publishing your unauthorized discussion?

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