22 August 2008

News blackout

The Jerusalem Post had an article entitled Passing the baton at Beijing.
Was it about either the US mens' or womens' relay teams dropping the baton in the 4x100 relays and being disqualified, the first time in a whole bunch of Olympics that neither of them will be going for the gold?
Neither did any other report on the Google News page.
Other stuff, sure, including Tiruesh Dibaba's win of the womens' 5000 meters, Liu Xiang's vow to 'bounce back' in 2012, the US going against Hungary in water polo, pro-Tibetan activists claiming a success even though ten of their protestors are missing and presumed jailed, Cuba beating the US in baseball, a Ukrainian athlete dismissed for blood doping, and more on the underage Chinese athletes.
All really important sports stories.
Anything on the biggest 'oops' in American sports in decades?
With the minute-by-minute coverage of every conceivable event, do you think there'd be even a single photograph of the baton dropping to the track in either race?
Makes you go 'hmmmmm'...

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