25 August 2008

More from inside Rico's head

My ladyfriend, always smart and comforting, pointed out that my usual flippant response to the question 'How are you doing?', that I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to be when I grow up now that I'm going to grow up, isn't really true, and (damn it) she's right.
However 'grown up' I'm liable to get, I probably already am, even though what I really meant was that (much to my surprise, along with a few other people) I'm actually going to get older.
So it appears that I already know what I'm going to be when I get older: I'm going to be much as I am now. A writer (not just of this blog, but certainly that), an occasional painter (not even as good as the person I'm emulating, Winston Churchill), and a shooter at Civil War and Cowboy Action events. I will probably get better as a writer, and maybe as a painter, but probably worse as a shooter, but I don't care.
If you want to support what passes for my act, go here and buy some of my books or here and buy some of my badges, with my thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous26.8.08

    In addition to writer, painter, and shooter may I propose friend, lover, filmmaker, and son? Oh yeah, and curmudgeon.

    --Bill Champ


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.