30 August 2008

Just one more thing we love about Jersey

Medical waste washing up on the beaches. USA Today, like all the other news outlets, has an article on beach closings and reopenings:
The town of Avalon allowed swimmers back into the ocean at some of its beaches on Friday afternoon, after closing all of its beaches in the morning because six syringes were found. An additional sweep turned up nothing.
Ocean City closed all its beaches for part of the day after five needles washed up, but reopened half of them by the late afternoon.
Earlier in the week, nearly 200 syringes washed up in Avalon, forcing the town to close some of its beaches throughout the week.
On Thursday, Ocean City banned swimming on part of its beach after six syringes were found on the sand.
Environmental activists say the discovery of syringes in Avalon is one of the worst single cases in years of medical waste washing up on the shore. In the 1980s, thousands of beach-going days were lost because of waste washing ashore, and that discovery sparked a ban on trash dumping off the New Jersey coast.
Three South Jersey lawmakers are urging the Legislature to increase fines for ocean dumping after medical waste washed ashore and fouled beaches at the start of the long Labor Day weekend. Senator Jeff Van Drew and Assemblymen Nelson Albano and Matt Milam want to double the current $50,000 per day fine allowable under the state's clean water law, and are crafting legislation to make that happen.
State investigators were trying to identify the culprits by tracking serial numbers from the syringes, and the Attorney General's Office has offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible.
So much for a profitable Labor Day weekend...
Rico says when they find whoever is responsible for this, and they will, they should be forced to rebury all this trash using just their hands and maybe a small shovel...

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