29 July 2008

Wogs not trying hard enough

Seems India and Pakistan have gotten into it again in Kashmir; a little problem with the ceasefire and territorial encroachment, apparently. One Indian and four Pakis dead after a 'twelve hour gun battle: "Last night's battle was sparked by the killing of an Indian soldier, said an Indian army spokesman. He said a Pakistani unit "came into Indian territory, fired and then ran back to their side". Colonel Anil Kumar Mathur said four Pakistanis had been killed along the heavily armed frontier that divides Indian- and Pakistani-controlled Kashmir."

"Pakistan denied any soldiers were killed. Military officials in Islamabad blamed the incident on Indian soldiers trying to build a post on Pakistan's side. "On Pakistan's objection, Indian troops opened indiscriminate and unprovoked fire," the statement said."

Rico says it's sad that this all sounds like a bad ethnic joke; he can hear the heavily-accented telling of it now in his head. But to have two armies, in a fairly confined space, in an artillery duel for twelve hours and only kill five soldiers? That is an ethnic joke. The Germans would court-martial any artillery officer who fired for twelve hours and only killed four of the enemy...

In a related story, "police found 10 unexploded bombs today in the western Indian city of Surat, one of the world's biggest diamond-polishing centres. All were found in one of the city's most densely populated neighbourhoods."

Rico says isn't "most densely populated neighbourhood" a redundant phrase in India?

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