27 July 2008

Truer words were never spoken

“No one wants to die,” said Apple’s chief executive, Steven P. Jobs. “And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it.”
The New York Times has an article about Jobs' brush with pancreatic cancer, which he seems to have survived. (Fortunately for Apple.)
Mr. Jobs told the Stanford graduates: “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.”

Rico says it's a hard-learned lesson, but a true one. If Steve's cancer has come back, that's a bad thing, for Steve and for Apple and for Rico's few shares of its stock, but supposedly it hasn't. For his sake, Rico hopes so...

But one must remember, as the character played by Edward James Olmos in Blade Runner said: “Too bad she won’t live. But, then, who does.”
And William Saroyan once said "I know we all die. The evidence is around us every day. But I thought, surely, in my case, an exception could be made."

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