29 July 2008

Running on angry

That CBS news headline pretty much sums it up; the guy's wired pretty tight. "But here's the question: Which Clinton campaign will McCain run? The one with a clear message and substance, which led to a string of more than a half-dozen victories in the late contests? Or the one that made her entirely unlikable?"
"So far, McCain is running largely on angry. That is, the initial game plan of Hillary the Scold -- in which she claimed that she was the only candidate who had been 'vetted', the only one who was truly 'electable', the only one ready to be commander in chief."
"Getting mad made Clinton look small. McCain just looks mean. So why not try to accentuate what works best for McCain, such as his credentials as someone who has spent a career bucking his party, working across the aisle, trying to fix things?"

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