31 July 2008

Oh, no, not us...

The Associated Press is saying that Mexico is (what a surprise) denying that the recent salmonella outbreak was from a Mexican pepper farm: "The director of Mexico's Farm Food Quality Service, Enrique Sanchez, said the US officials 'totally lacked scientific evidence' to make such statements, and said they had broken a confidentiality agreement by announcing findings before their investigation is complete... "We're eating this same produce in Mexico and we haven't had any problems," Sanchez said.
He suggested the FDA officials confused the source of the samples because the tainted water was found on a farm in the Tamaulipas state municipality of Hidalgo — not in Nuevo Leon, as the FDA reported... Sanchez said Mexico produces 2.4 million tons of peppers per year but exports only 12,000 tons of fresh peppers to the United States. Another 267,000 tons of canned or bottled peppers are sent to the U.S. each year, he said. Pepper exports have not stopped, but U.S. authorities have been taking samples from shipments at the border and holding them up for up to a week until waiting for results. Sanchez said officials have not yet determined the scale of the warning's impact on Mexico's pepper industry."

Rico says the solution is simple: don't eat the damn things... (He's doing his part, but he can't not eat 12,000 tons all by himself.)


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