27 July 2008

Not sure where we go from here

I got a voicemail today from my oldest friend in California. He wants to know what's going on. To be honest, I don't know, but I submit this: “You can be at ease only with those people to whom you can say any damn fool thing that comes into your head, knowing they will respond in kind, and knowing misunderstandings will be thrashed out right now, rather than buried deep and given a chance to fester.” John D. MacDonald, speaking as Travis McGee in Darker Than Amber

Rico says he'll let you know what happens, but it feels a lot like this: "A Fremen is one who takes a frayed rope and, cutting it, says: It is over, because it ends here,” a quote from Dune by Frank Herbert, a gentleman whom Rico was lucky enough, thirty-plus years ago, to have dinner with after he spoke at Carnegie-Mellon.

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