29 July 2008

Missed the opportunity, yet again

A number of years ago, Rico was going to hook up with some investors and get into dealing in Siberia; paper, mostly, but anything else that came along was fair game. Didn't happen.

Rico says it was still a good idea, and the linked article from the BBC describes why: "Russia's cherished Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia is becoming a magnet for the tourist industry as energy revenues fuel an economic boom in this neglected region. Based in the city of Irkutsk, Viktor Grigorov's company Grand Baikal is one of the investors in regional tourism and a partner company of the state electricity firm Irkutsk Energy. "My conception is that there will be fast roads, hotels and spa complexes here," he says, pointing at the map. "At the south end of the lake I can envisage us one day hosting the Winter Olympics - for the first time in Siberia!"

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