25 July 2008

Makes me proud to be a CMU alum

Randy Pausch, the Carnegie Mellon professor who became a YouTube phenomenon with his Last Lecture, died at his home in southern Virginia of complications from pancreatic cancer. He was 47.

The best line: "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."

Second best line: "Yes, I've had a deathbed conversion; I bought a Macintosh."

Rico says he is endeavoring to play the cards he's been dealt as well as he can; the verdict's not in yet, but there will be feedback as we go along... (And, yes, he didn't have to get to his deathbed to buy a Macintosh; he'll want to buy whatever cool machine Apple will be selling then, but someone else will have to buy it with whatever meagre money he leaves them.)

If you listen to nothing else in this blog (though I think I might say one or two things of interest along the way), listen to this guy. He knows.

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