31 July 2008

Can you say "use a small nuclear device"?

al-Reuters has the story that FDA inspectors have found a farm in Mexico, growing serrano peppers, that tests positive for salmonella, matching the strain that has sickened more than 1300 people: "Mexican officials had repeatedly denied that the outbreak, originally blamed on tomatoes but later traced to peppers, could be traced to Mexican farms... Mexican officials have been angered by the FDA's statements. Last week, Enrique Sanchez, director of Mexico's National Sanitation and Farm Food Quality Service, called the decision 'arbitrary' and said it could have an 'enormous' harmful impact on the local jalapeno industry."

Rico says he wouldn't have expected them to react any other way, but fortunately he doesn't eat serrano peppers... (And isn't a Mexican governmental agency called the National Sanitation and Farm Food Quality Service a contradiction in terms?)

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