23 July 2008

Real morons stay in jail

The San Francisco Chronicle has an update on the software engineer who passworded the city's network: "City prosecutors said he had rigged the system to melt down during routine maintenance... Prosecutor Conrad del Rosario said Childs had arranged the system so that key programs were held in temporary memory files that would evaporate when the network was shut down during routine maintenance or any unexpected power failure. The city had scheduled a shutdown for regular maintenance last Saturday, but experts caught the problem in time and transferred data to permanent files, del Rosario said. "He had a malicious intent to destroy the entire network," the prosecutor said. Childs' attorney told the judge that Childs' bosses wanted to make him look bad, and that 'when they couldn't get rid of him', they created a false image of a 'rogue employee' out to terrorize the city. In fact, the attorney said, the city itself is terrorizing residents with needless warnings about the computer network's safety."

Rico says they'll burn him for sure for this (and richly deserved). And who does he think he is, Stanley Rifkin?...

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