22 July 2008

Another bad guy goes down

AFP has the story of Radovan Karadzic (on the right in the photo), known as the 'Butcher of Bosnia', being captured (riding on a bus, apparently) in Belgrade. "He was immediately questioned by a magistrate who concluded that 'all conditions have been met for his transfer' to The Hague to face trial before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia... Despite his status as one of the most wanted men on the planet, Karadzic, 63, had been working in a medical clinic with only a false name and a long white beard to conceal his identity... Bosnian Croats and Muslims, against whom Karadzic waged a barbaric campaign of "ethnic cleansing" in the early 1990s, see him as a murderous megalomaniac and his arrest was welcomed with noisy celebrations on the streets of Sarajevo... A major thug has been removed from the scene," former US envoy to the Balkans Richard Holbrooke said, describing Karadzic as the "Osama bin Laden of Europe."

Rico says it couldn't happen to a nicer guy, except for bin Laden, of course...

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