06 June 2008

They want martyrdom? Give it to them

The New York Times reports that the Guantanamo prisoners are now going to trial (finally) and are talking of accepting martyrdom: "The arraignment on Thursday of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four other detainees the government says were high-level coordinators of the Sept. 11 attacks was the start of hearings in the case, which is the centerpiece of the Bush administration’s war crimes system here... Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who was to have been one of the hijackers, said that he too, like Mr. Mohammed, was ready for martyrdom... The Pentagon has been pressing to move its war crimes cases quickly after years of delays and legal setbacks. Critics, including a former chief military prosecutor, have said there is intense political pressure to start the trials by the end of the Bush administration."

“Nothing shall befall us, save what Allah has ordained for us.”

Rico says are they in for a surprise...

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