18 June 2008

Shoulda gotten a Mac

PC World has the story of a hapless guy who worked for the Department of Industrial Accidents for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. They issued him a Dell Latitude in November of 2006, and he spent most of 2007 and 2008 defending himself against the same Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which accused him of downloading child pornography onto the machine. Last week, prosecutors dropped their year-old case after a state investigation of his computer determined there was insufficient evidence to prove he had downloaded the files. The Microsoft SMS (Systems Management Server) software used to keep his laptop up to date was not functional. Neither was its antivirus protection. And the laptop was crawling with malicious programs that were most likely responsible for the files on his PC.
The guy said in an interview: "I'm 53 years old and I don't think I've cried as much in my whole life as I did in the past 18 months... My days of surfing the Web are over, because I don't wish this on anybody."

Rico says he's not much for anyone who likes child pornography, but this does look like a case of mistaken downloading...

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