03 June 2008

Bill Clinton whining? What a surprise

CNN reports that Bill Clinton is unhappy with the recent article in Vanity Fair about him: "The lengthy article hits newsstands later this week, though Vanity Fair has posted a copy on its website. The web posting prompted a blistering response from Clinton campaign spokesman Jay Carson Sunday night, who called the piece journalism of personal destruction at its worst... It paints Clinton as a man who has made millions in the last eight years while constantly globe-trotting on luxury jets with wealthy and controversial business associates... The article also quotes aides who believe Clinton's heart surgery in 2004 left the former president in an altered state of mind-- one marked by constant anger and rage... several aides grew concerned over a year ago amid reports of inappropriate behavior by the former president while he was traveling. One aide unsuccessfully attempted to confront Clinton on that matter, believing he was 'apparently seeing a lot of women on the road'.

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