17 June 2008

Back to the left

Rico has voted Republican more than once (and once is a lot more than the ladyfriend approves of, unfortunately), but this election may break the pattern.
It wasn't always this way.
Rico was old enough to vote (after they changed the voting age) in Richard Nixon's second election. He voted for George McGovern, a Democrat.
He voted for Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, in 1976.
He voted for Jimmy Carter again in 1980, and for Walter Mondale in 1984.
He voted for George H.W. Bush, a Republican, in 1988, because he thought Dukakis was a loose cannon.
He voted for George H.W. Bush again in 1992, because Bill Clinton was a whack job.
He voted for Bill Clinton, a Democrat, in 1996, because Bob Dole wasn't up for the job.
He voted for George W. Bush, a Republican, in 2000, because Al Gore was an idiot, and in 2004, because John Kerry was no war hero.
This time he thinks he's going back to his roots and voting Democratic again.
John McCain is another cannon threatening to come loose, and Barack Obama will at least make politics interesting for the next few years.
But, in the end, he's just as happy the choice isn't between McCain and Clinton, because then he'd have to vote Republican again...

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