06 June 2008

40 years on, another great one gone

From CNN: "During his ill-fated run for the presidency, Kennedy appeared to be that rarest of candidates, the truth teller. By many accounts, he meant every word he said, particularly those about fighting prejudice and poverty. He refused to kowtow to his audiences, and he wore his emotions on his sleeves (adoring crowds sometimes shredded his cuffs). And he pondered questions before offering thoughtful, sometimes stammering, answers... The man was unafraid of campaigning among the poorest of the poor in cities and on reservations. While Hubert Humphrey preached the "Politics of Joy" in that brutal year-- and Eugene McCarthy simply lectured-- Kennedy answered questions with questions, at his best when he asked as much from his audience as he did from himself.
"Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not," he often said, quoting George Bernard Shaw. Edward Kennedy read those words at his funeral.

Rico says right behind JFK's immortal "Ask not..." speech, he can still hear those words, in RFK's Boston twang, echoing in his head...

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