29 May 2008

This can't end well, either

The Los Angeles Times reports on the upcoming 'resolution' to the Michigan and Florida delegations at the Democratic convention: "An obscure panel of thirty party insiders now finds itself in the strongest position to determine whether the long nominating process will come to a smooth conclusion. Meeting at a Washington hotel Saturday, the party's Rules and Bylaws Committee will attempt to settle a lingering dispute about whether delegates from Michigan and Florida should be seated at the party's convention in August... In advance of the meeting, national Democratic Party leaders have been trying to hash out a compromise with the Clinton and Obama campaigns and with representatives of Michigan and Florida. Even Clinton supporters on the rules panel insist that some form of punishment is necessary for Michigan and Florida. The two states violated party rules by scheduling their primaries early, prompting the top Democratic candidates to avoid campaigning there. Obama and several others withdrew their names from the Michigan ballot; Clinton's name remained on the ballot... "It's not going to make a difference," the Clinton ally said. "At the end of the day, what we do on Saturday is not going to change the fact that Obama is going to win the nomination"... Donald Fowler, a committee member and Clinton backer from South Carolina, suggested a way to sanction the states without discounting their votes. "Deny them passes to the convention for friends and spouses, and put them in sorry hotels," he said. "Reduce their overall representation in the 2012 convention. Reaching a consensus on that would be somewhat difficult, but there are sanctions other than denying them a part or all of that vote."

Rico says this is going to get ugly, and deservedly so. How anyone can even float the notion of seating a delegation from a state where Obama wasn't on the ballot, Rico doesn't get it...

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