21 May 2008

More security problems

According to al-Reuters, some Swedish meatball shows up for work with TATP in his bag: "TATP, or triacetone triperoxide, is a high explosive which is extremely unstable, especially when subjected to heat, friction, and shock. The compound can be prepared in a home laboratory from easily available household chemicals. It has been employed by suicide bombers in Israel and by Richard Reid, the thwarted British 'shoebomber' who attempted to blow up a transatlantic airliner in 2001." "What has happened is that a guy, a contractor, this morning came to the security check with a bag on which, or in which, there were traces of explosives," E.ON spokesman Johan Aspegren said. Sven-Erik Karlsson, spokesman for Kalmar County Police, said police received a call from the Oskarshamn plant at 7:58 a.m. "They told us a welder who was going to perform a job there had been stopped in a random security check. He had been carrying small amounts of the highly explosive material TATP," Karlsson said.

Rico says you can't be too careful when you're running a nuke...

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