25 May 2008

More Clintstones fun

Roger Ebert does a job on the new HBO docudrama Recount, about the fiasco in the 2000 elections: "Katherine Harris was a piece of work. The Florida secretary of state during the 2000 elections is not intended to be the leading role, but every time Laura Dern appears on the screen, she owns it. Watch her stride into a room of powerful men, pick up a little paper packet of sugar for her coffee and shake it with great sweeping arm gestures as if she were a demonstrator in an educational film. As much as anyone, Harris was responsible for George W. Bush being declared the winner of the state vote, and thus of the presidency. In a bewildering thicket of controversy about chads, hanging chads, dimpled chads, military ballots, voting machines and nearsighted elderly voters, it was her apparent oblivion that prevented a meaningful recount from ever taking place. Don't talk to me about the Florida Supreme Court, the U.S. Supreme Court, or even the hero of the film, a Democratic Party strategist named Ron Klain (Kevin Spacey). They had a great influence on events, but it was Harris who created a shortage of time that ultimately had a greater effect than anything else."

Rico says it's interesting timing to bring this out now, but that's show biz...

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