06 May 2008

It ain't World War Two, that's for sure

Seems, according to an article in Slate magazine, that we've just run out of soldiers: "There is no way to put more boots in Afghanistan without taking boots out of Iraq." "After the last of the five "surge" brigades goes home this summer, the U.S. Army will have 13 brigade combat teams in Iraq (the Marines have two more) and two in Afghanistan. One BCT serves as a "global response force," ready to respond to a small-scale emergency elsewhere in the world. One is in Korea. One is dedicated to homeland defense and security. One, at a base in Fort Riley, Kan., is training soldiers to become advisers to Iraqi and Afghan security forces. That adds up to 19 BCTs. All the other Army brigades are either between deployments or in their 12-month downtime periods, having fulfilled their 12-to-15-month deployment tours."

Rico says why, after fifty years, do we still have troops in Korea? Let the fucking Koreans defend themselves. (Nothing tougher than an ROK soldier, anyway, I'm told.)

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