30 May 2008

Hey, she was just kidding...

Rico already gave Hillary a pass on this one; he doesn't know why CNN is still beating this dead horse: "Obama is so far ahead no one expects the next few days to change anything. But Clinton isn't quitting. She explained in South Dakota that sometimes the race can drag on and sometimes, she added, it can change abruptly. 'We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California'. She had her facts right: Robert Kennedy, JFK's younger brother, was shot June 5th, 1968 while campaigning for the Democratic nomination. She also had a larger point right, though it probably wasn't intentional: her chances are so small that it would take a calamity in the Obama campaign to give her the nomination.
In the course of this campaign, Hillary Clinton has changed the way many Americans look at her, from a former First Lady and loyal wife, to a key national political figure in her own right. But the country had never seen as much of her, up close, as it has now. And some Americans are beginning to think that from some angles, the picture isn't always as flattering."

Rico says especially from the back side...

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