29 May 2008

Cocked and locked

The Washington Post has an on-line article about the Navy's 'frustration' with foot-dragging by the Burmese: "Admiral Timothy J. Keating, who heads the U.S. Pacific Command, told reporters at the Pentagon that sailors and Marines aboard the USS Essex and three other Navy ships in the Bay of Bengal are 'desperate to provide help' but are growing increasingly frustrated by the Burmese junta's refusal to accept aid from U.S. and other foreign naval vessels. Keating said the ships could remain in position for only a matter of days before they must move on to other missions if they are not allowed to help. Keating said he assured the Burmese that "we had no military intentions" in Burma and that once the relief operation was completed, "we will leave [and] you will not know we were here." Burmese officials said they understood but could not give approval and had to take the proposals to higher authorities. Since then, however, there has been no indication of any intention by the ruling junta to allow in greater quantities of U.S. relief.

Rico says no mention of going in without permission, but it'll come...

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