24 May 2008

As expected, but fuck 'em anyway

According to the AP, the Burmese are still fending off the West's use of military aircraft and ships to aid its people: "As a half-dozen military ships from the U.S., France and Britain laden with aid and helicopters capable of reaching hard-hit areas waited offshore, Myanmar said they were not needed or welcome. 'The strings attached to the relief supplies carried by warships and military helicopters are not acceptable to the Myanmar people', the New Light of Myanmar newspaper, a mouthpiece for the ruling generals, said this week. It did not say what strings were attached, and U.S. military officials have repeatedly said there were none. The media report hinted that Myanmar's real fear is that the U.S. would use the disaster as a pretext to invade and take control of the country's oil reserves. U.S. officials flatly deny any such intent. The junta appears particularly wary about allowing U.S. helicopters into hard-hit areas because that would highlight the American effort to the common people, who have been taught to see the U.S. as a hostile aggressor. The U.S., along with the British and French, have assembled a huge response force off Myanmar. The U.S. force is led by the USS Essex, an aircraft-carrier-like flattop ship that carries more than a dozen helicopters, amphibious landing craft and about 1,000 U.S. Marines. The Essex, joined by three other ships, has been waiting almost within sight of the coast. The French amphibious assault vessel Mistral and the British frigate HMS Westminister were also in the area, ready to respond. Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Friday there have been 50 U.S. C-130 transport plane flights into Yangon, carrying more than 485 tons of relief supplies. But they have not been allowed to fly to the delta."

Rico says a helicopter-carrier, an amphibious assault ship, and a frigate; that should do. Stand in-shore, land Marines and supplies, and blow the hell out of whatever shows up. Are we the world's premier military force, or what?

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