24 May 2008

Ah, the Brits

Seems the British, when they really get serious about taking on criminals, issue something called an "interim anti-social behavior order". (Actually, in the original, that's spelled 'behaviour', and my thanks to the Bayou Renaissanceman for the story.) Apparently it's supposed to keep young, testosterone-poisoned men from committing various nuisance behaviors. ("The order states he cannot act in a manner which causes alarm, harassment, or distress to any person in England and Wales. Any breach of the interim ASBO could result in Kellett being jailed.")
As if...
In this case, not only did the gentleman do a lot of stupid things and videotape them, he had the audacity (and stupidity) to post them on YouTube...
"Kellett opposed the interim ASBO, claiming he was simply a bystander filming and the offences would have happened whether he was there or not. He also claimed the ASBO would potentially breach his human rights by restricting his right to free expression."

Rico says the old phrase "dumb as a post" is not vehement enough for people like this, but he's still glad he lives in the US of A, where there's a Constitution that prevents stupid shit like this...

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