06 April 2008

That's not nice

Rico knows his whole "one-mile-no-law-zone" idea is cruel and mean and racist and all those other things you think when you read his posts, even if you don't leave comments.
Yes, you're right.
But the alternative, no border control at all, isn't working very well right now, is it?
If we could afford to invest in Mexico (and could somehow control the inevitable corruption), we could entice them to stay home and work, it's true.
If we could neutralize the fucking Catholic Church, and thus lower the hideous birth rate in Mexico and Central and South America, that would help, too. (Rico thinks neutering the priests, preferably with hog castrators, would help them understand how a little birth control goes a long way...)
But if you want effective border control, you're going to have to make it legal to 'thin the herd', so to speak; that's what it's going to take to lower the expectations of the millions of people who want to come here the easy way (the hard way being applying for a visa and waiting for legal entry)...

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