09 April 2008

Stepping through the political minefield

USA Today has a column on recent Hillary doings: "In running her campaign, Clinton's leadership has been a study in missteps: Hillary Rodham Clinton wants voters to decide the nomination based on who can coolly and competently run the country. She had better hope they don't study her recent campaign too closely for the answer. Clinton has overseen two major staff shake-ups in two months. She has left a trail of unpaid bills and unhappy vendors, and had to loan her own campaign five million to keep it afloat in January. Her campaign badly underestimated her main adversary, Barack Obama, miscalculated the importance of organizing caucus states, and was caught flat-footed after failing to lock up the nomination on Super Tuesday. Howard Wolfson, a top Clinton aide, acknowledges that in a campaign, blame ultimately resides at the top. But he also contends that it's important to appreciate the value of a candidate who has the self-confidence to allow dissenting voices within the leadership structure and who accepts responsibility for tough choices, such as ousting longtime friends and advisers when they become ineffective."

Rico says you can spin it any way you want, but she's stepping perilously close to the edge...

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