01 April 2008

Really? I can't imagine why

"In the weeks before the Pennsylvania primary, Sen. Hillary Clinton not only lags Sen. Barack Obama in the race for delegates, she also is losing ground in her effort to convince voters that she is trustworthy. The debate over her record has left Sen. Clinton confronting her lowest approval rating since April 2006, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released last week. According to the survey, 29% of the approximately 1,000 respondents said they had a very negative opinion of Sen. Clinton compared with 15% for Sen. Barack Obama and 12% for Sen. John McCain, the likely Republican nominee. A Pew Research survey released last week shows 29% of Democratic voters describe Sen. Clinton as 'phony,' compared with 14% for Sen. Obama."

Only 29% Rico says they're being generous. Being Democrats, of course, they would be...

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