24 April 2008

Painful memories

Having just rewatched Memento, it's bizarre to realize that it's a movie (quite good, actually) about a guy with serious short-term memory loss. The joke is, I'd seen it a few months back, and have essentially no recollection of seeing it. Oh, a glimmer here and there, but I didn't remember where the story was going or who these characters were. So, in a sense, it's as if I'm living his life, or he's living mine, I can't tell which. Fortunately I can get by on my note-taking, and haven't resorted to the body tattoos that he did...


  1. Go rent "The Lookout". Its about a braindamaged kid who gets suked into helping with a bank robbery. Very good movie.

    Why did you change your handle?

  2. Thanks. I'll put it on my NetFlix list. As for the handle, I'd forgotten I'd logged into another blog for a friend of mine, and forgot to change it. I will now.


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