29 April 2008

Much ado about very little

The whole Vanity Fair flap is nigh unto ridiculous. Okay, she's fifteen. But a) she's an entertainer who prances about on stage in skimpy outfits, b) it's hardly a revealing photo, c) it's what the public wants to see anyway, and d) who the fuck really cares?

As the New York Times noted, fer crissakes: "Last week, the public relations problem du jour was a green bra; photos online showing Ms. Cyrus pulling away her tank top to flash her underwear."

Rico says quick, which is worse, a flash of brassiere, or a stately Annie Leibovitz showing your back? Phaw. They're all morons... (Besides, have you seen the photos of her lolling seductively in her father's lap? Rico says there's more there than meets the eye.)

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