04 April 2008

Jail? Nah, hang the sumbitch

AP is reporting a Texas investigation into alleged child abuse at the compound run by the now-jailed Warren Jeffs. "In 2004, the group bought a former exotic game ranch about 160 miles northwest of San Antonio for $700,000 and began an ambitious construction program anchored by an 80-foot-tall, gleaming white temple. In 2006, officials estimated 150 people lived there. The retreat was built by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The congregation, known as FLDS, has been led by the reclusive Jeffs since his father's death in 2002. It is one of several groups that split from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the decades after the mainline Mormon church renounced polygamy in 1890."

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