19 April 2008

It worked for Truman

According to the London Telegraph, while his own campaign is downplaying his chances in Pennsylvania ("Ain't gonna happen", Jen Psaki, an Obama spokesman, said), a win in Pennsylvania, where Mrs. Clinton enjoyed a 20-point lead a month ago, would all but give Mister Obama the Democratic nomination. Even a narrow defeat could fatally wound the former First Lady in her quest to face John McCain, the Republican nominee, in November.
A growing perception in some quarters of Hillary as pandering to working-class voters could damage her in Pennsylvania.
The Erie Times-News published a cartoon yesterday in which Mrs. Clinton was portrayed saying: "Heres a little song I just made up 'bout being a simple gun-lovin', church goin', whiskey drinkin' small town kinda gal with tons of real world experience."
Time is against Mrs. Clinton, who needs to prolong the struggle until the party convention in August. Howard Dean, the Democratic National Committee chairman, is piling on the pressure for an earlier decision from the 300 or so out of 796 super-delegates who remain undecided.
"I need them to say who they're for starting now," he told CNN. "We cannot give up two or three months of active campaigning and healing time. We've got to know who our nominee is."

Rico says by all means, as long as it's not her...

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