03 April 2008

Iraq is a figment of our imagination

Seems that the Danger Room has broached the ugly little secret: there really is no Iraq.
The country was formed (actually, forcibly created) after the First World War to give Faisal a place to hang his hat. Per Wikipedia: "During its long history, Iraq has been the center of the Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Abbasid empires, and part of the Achaemenid, Macedonian, Parthian, Sassanid, Umayyad, Ottoman, and British empires." "The League of Nations granted France mandates over Syria and Lebanon and granted the United Kingdom mandates over Iraq and Palestine."

Rico says the sooner we get it that the place needs to become two or three little countries, all owing their existence (and thus their oil) to us, the better...

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