28 April 2008

Chump change

In the latest issue of Philadelphia magazine, Tom McGrath wrote an article about his daughter's appendectomy, trying to figure out how it cost $29,000.
29 grand. Ha. Rico says ha. Piker. Kid stuff.
Not that it's anything to brag about, but Rico's recent incarceration in Jefferson Hospital cost his insurers on the order of a million, plus or minus. Rico hasn't been forced to go through the details (though his long-suffering ladyfriend has), but he's heard the word 'million' bruited about on more than one occasion.

Was it worth it?
Rico doesn't know if the insurers think so, but he does, and so do several people who know and care about him.
But at least McGrath's kid came out of it okay, and is back to kindergarten with no long term problems.
Rico? He's got long-term problems. Hell, he's got short-term problems.
But getting a second life? Priceless.

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