06 April 2008

Another good one gone

Charlton Heston died yesterday. Was he a great actor? No. There are many better actors. He was, however, in many movies (his www.imdb.com list runs to over 125) that Rico recalls fondly: The Ten Commandments (bad movie, good acting, if a bit over the top, but then he is playing Moses after all). The Big Country. The Wreck of the Mary Deare. Ben-Hur. El Cid. 55 Days at Peking. Major Dundee. The Agony and the Ecstasy. The War Lord. Khartoum. Will Penny. The Omega Man. Soylent Green. The Three Musketeers. The Four Musketeers. (Rico owns both of these last two, even though the Four Musketeers was hard to get, and recommends them both highly.) The Last Hard Men. Midway. Tombstone. True Lies.

Rico says, love him or hate him, he did a good job...

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