19 April 2008

And you think we have bad government

This blog has a great post about the madness of the Swedish government: "Bertil and Elly Jacobsson of Sweden were robbed of 18,000 kronor (about $3,000) in cash from their home. They duly reported the theft and the thieves were caught soon thereafter, with the Jacobsson's cash in their possession. But rather than having their 18,000 kronor promptly returned by police, Bertil and Emily instead received some disturbing news from a representative of Sweden’s national debt collection agency, Kronofogden. This woman came by out of the blue and said that the thieves had over 200,000 kronor in tax debts and that we wouldn’t be seeing any of our money because it would first go toward paying down those debts,” Bertil explained.

Rico says the Renaissance Man put it well: "if the State tried that where I live, there'd be tarring, feathering and probably lynching going on all over the place", but then he's kinder than Rico...

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