19 April 2008

And I used to like Ben Stein, too

Seems the multi-opinionated Mister Stein has weighed in on evolution in a new movie:
"Droning funnyman Ben Stein monkeys around with evolution with the new documentary, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, a cynical attempt to sucker Christian conservatives into thinking they're losing the 'intelligent design' debate because of academic 'prejudice'.
Expelled is a full-on, amply budgeted, Michael-Moore-styled mockery of evolution, a film that dresses creationist crackpottery in an 'intelligent design' leisure suit and tries to make the fact that it's not given credence in schools a matter of 'academic freedom'.
Using loaded language and loaded imagery, Stein and Company (Nathan Frankowski is the credited director) equate evolution with atheism, lay responsibility for the Holocaust at the feet of Charles Darwin, and interview and creatively edit biologists and others (scientists cast for their eccentric appearance) to make them look foolish for insisting that science, not religion, can explain creation.
Stein and friends use animation (shades of Bowling for Columbine), amusing chunks of B-movies, and even The Wizard of Oz and classic propaganda techniques to undercut 150 years of peer-tested research. Their goal? Create just a sliver of doubt about evolution. It's a classic Big Tobacco/Inconvenient Truth denial tactic.

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