31 March 2008

Why Rico remains modest

Want to know what a real blogger gets for visitors?
These are the stats from a local blogger, Wyatt Earp:
Total 192,681
Average Per Day 468
Average Visit Length 2:31
Last Hour 25
Today 295
This Week 3,277

My stats, for comparison:
Total 8,993
Average Per Day 36
Average Visit Length 3:18
Last Hour 2
Today 23
This Week 250

Rico will do the math for you; Wyatt gets more visitors in less than three weeks than Rico's gotten in two years... (Or, if it's easier, he gets in an hour what I get in a day. Of course, mine appear to hang around longer, but maybe they just don't read as fast as his visitors...)
Now that's blogging.
Not that I'm jealous, but I'm whatever the next thing over from jealous is called...

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