21 March 2008

When are we going to saw them off?

In case you haven't been watching the news of late: "Federal drug regulators, in announcing Wednesday that the mystery contaminant in heparin was an inexpensive, unapproved ingredient altered to mimic the real thing, moved closer to concluding that Americans might be the latest victims of lethal Chinese drug counterfeiting. The finding by the Food and Drug Administration culminated a worldwide race to identify the substance discovered early this month in certain batches of heparin, the blood-thinning drug that had been linked to 19 deaths in the United States and hundreds of allergic reactions." "The F.D.A. said it had found the contaminated heparin at Changzhou SPL, the Chinese plant that supplies the active ingredient to Baxter. Changzhou in turn buys its heparin from two companies, called consolidators, that gather crude heparin from workshops that make it from pig intestines. Many workshops that make crude heparin are unregulated family operations."

We don't allow the Chinese to make electronics as haphazardly as we allow them to make drugs. Bad electronics won't kill you. Bad drugs will. Cheap is good for electronics, but bad for drugs. Rico says you should get used to paying top dollar for your drugs, or get used to dying...

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