26 March 2008

Roasting in hell's too good for them

Over at the Lawdog, he's got a great post about a young woman, attacked and killed by some idiot, who would have lived if she'd been, as she so easily could have been, armed: "In a just and sane world, when Gary Michael Hilton stepped out of the undergrowth with a bayonet and a baton, Meredith Emerson would have produced a .38 and centre-punched his rotten heart out through his spineless back."

"The State and Federal Governments who consistently pass stupid and illogical firearms laws; the Brady Bunch who continue to parrot the foul and malicious lie that 'Only the military and police need guns'; Hollywood's sanctimonious assertation that 'Violence is never the answer', 'Guns are a redneck thing', and 'Women will only get hurt by guns'; not to mention societies acceptance of the Cult of Victimhood to the point where said Cult is a gods-be-damned State Religion -- each and every one of these is an unindicted co-conspirator to the crimes that took this young lady's life. And I hope the lot of you roast in hell for it."

Rico could not agree more...

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