18 March 2008


This will be a concatenation of several posts, since I was out of computer range for a week or so. (All typos are per the original posts.)
The last OYAT was 4 March of last year.
This one starts with a big day, 6 March, when I was discharged from rehab...

Well, Mark stuck to the original plan and was discharged today. The morning was uneventful and we saw his neuro psych and the neurologist, got lots of directions and prescriptions, and we're home. And we have the evidence to prove it.

The picture at left is Mark and his friend David with all of Mark's discharge supplies. The bed in the rear of the picture is a veil bed which zips completely closed for the very common Houdini type patients. Almost anyone who has the strength to get out of bed on their own has one.
And the picture on the right is Mark's room mate Ken. They made a great team, sort of like the odd couple.

Mark was escorted to the curb by one of his nurses. I think all the ladies wanted to walk him out. I'm not sure if this was due to his charming ways or they were glad to see him go. I think it's the former.

And last but not least, Mark enjoying sitting in a quiet place at home. Even the cat (nasty thing that she is) was either glad he was home or just needed someone warm to sit on.

It's amazing how long it can take two adults to shower, eat breakfast and get out the door. But we arrived at outpatient rehab on time, ditching our errands we had planned on the way. Mark had a full schedule from 11 am till 3:30 pm and we stopped at the grocery store on the way home. We arrived home after five, and ate dinner around 7. Mark hit the sack at 9. The only nap he had was the ride home from rehab which takes about 40 minutes. The boring chat on NPR radio and the warm sun shining in the car windows was very condusive to sleeping. After we got home, Mark watched some TV which is something he hadn't been interested in for months. I asked if he wanted to write tonights blog but he declined. He's awake for extended periods of time now and napping a lot less.

We've had a very busy weekend. Mark's friend Alan brought Chinese food on Friday night and they had a short but great visit. On Saturday evening we went to a reception hosted by Mark's good friend Doug and his wife Vickie. It may have been a premature outing, Mark's vision isn't very good at night and finding Mark's suit and sewing on the missing buttons took some time. It took a few tries but he got his tie tied and suspenders adjusted, but he wanted to see Vickie. I've included a picture of the two of them getting very cozy.

My 15 year old cat, Blossom (she was in a photo with Mark on the blog recently) died Monday night. Like most older cats, she was in kidney failure. She seemed fine when Mark got home and stayed by his side all the time. I think she was waiting for him to get home so I wouldn't be lonely.
I have decided to turn over the blog to Mark and he has agreed. Remember, his time and place are still confused at times, especially when he's tired. He's still not up to email, but I think that'll change soon.

I'm bak
Rico's been saway for awhile, but he's back now.
First there was this time in various hospitals, in varying states of conciousness, but then I was let out into the world, moe or less tht same as when I went in.
Chritine has, as related below, been taking care of me throughout, for which I am eternally grateful.
I'm as stupid and ornery as ever, I'm told, so the experience didn't change much, apparently.
But it did give me a new sense of gratefulness for smal pleasure and courtesies, so it wasn't a wasted time.
i"ll relate what I can recall here for your amusement as we go along. Questions are welcme, and some may actually ge answered.
My undying love and gratitude to those who too care of me, startig with Christine.
It"s an odd thing to say, but I'm grateful to be back, and apparently in such good shape.
More anon.

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