17 March 2008

Fencing is a sport, not politics

According to the Arizona Republic, they're planning to add a whopping eleven miles of border fence in Arizona this year. The Arizona border with Mexico is approximately 300 miles wide. Even assuming there's some existing fence, that's still ten or fifteen years before they finish. At a million illegals a year...
Plus there's a lot of environmental issues with building a fence, starting with migratory animals (like the humans, they hate fences, too).

Rico says he has a much more eco-friendly solution: open season on two-legged (non-avian) migratory animals within a mile of the border. No expensive surveillance gear, no leaky fences, no large corporate involvement. Just gun-totin' Americans with a no-limit hunting license on feral immigrants. Messy? Sure. Effective? Absolutely. Legally shaky ground? Definitely. But if you post television cameras at half-mile intervals, with shows running on some pay-per-view channel, we could make serious money with it...

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