25 March 2008

Every once in awhile...

...a great piece of news.
Seems, according to the New York Times, that doctors figured out how to operate on a previously-inoperable tumor located deep in a woman's abdomen.
How'd they do it? Simple, as these things usually are when they think about them. They just opened her up, took everything out, cut out the tumor, then put everything back. "The surgery lasted 15 hours and was one of the first to involve taking so many organs out of the body: the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, small intestine and two-thirds of the large intestine." "Doctors essentially had to empty Ms. Zepp’s abdomen. Then they cut out the tumor and its attached blood vessels in a matter of minutes." "The removed organs sat in a large, square metal tin — roughly the size of a turkey pan — for about 90 minutes before the surgeons began to reinsert and reattach them."

Rico says they couldn't do this with his brain, so it's just as well that the damned angioma blew up by itself...

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