21 March 2008

Another great idea we should try

Rico says it's so perfect it requires no comment:

Indian Health News reports that a bandit-infested region of India is trying to persuade men to undergo sterilisation by offering to fast-track their gun licence applications, an official said on Tuesday. Officials in central Madhya Pradesh state’s Shivpuri district decided to adopt the policy—already tried out by some neighbouring states—to increase the low vascectomy rate. “I came to know that it had to do with their perceived notion of manliness,” said Manish Shrivastav, administrative chief of Shivpuri district, part of the Indian Chambal region, which is famed for its lawlessness and bandits. “I then decided to match it with a bigger symbol of manliness—a gun licence,” he said. “And the ploy worked.”

Rico says he got his vasectomy without benefit of gun license, and got his CCWs without having to prove his potency...

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