24 February 2008

Uh, oh, now she's mad

Seems Hillary is pissed about campaign mailings by the Obama campaign that impugn her record on the NAFTA 'deal' and her position on universal health care.
Obama said that, despite her current criticism of NAFTA, she supported the trade agreement when it passed during her husband's administration. "You can't be for something and take credit for an administration... and then, when you run for president, say that you didn't really mean what you said way back then. It doesn't work like that."
Clinton asked, "Since when do Democrats attack one another on universal health care?" Obama had a ready reply to that: "When she started to say I was against universal health care... which she does every single day."

Rico says she's wrong, he's right, this is going to get funnier as the campaign goes on, and he can hardly wait until the voters in the Great State of Texas have spoken...

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