25 February 2008

One, two, many Fidels

The Cubans have solved their leadership problem by instituting a wider Communist Party structure to replace the Fidel era:
"The idea of Cuba's bearded revolutionary leader being replaced by legions of party clones was illustrated on the front page of the Communist Youth newspaper Sunday. Under the heading "Cuba post-Castro," the cartoon showed rows and rows of gun-toting Fidel Castros. "Now, and in the future, the Revolution needs many Fidels," the caption read.
"The new council makeup evidently was meant to assure revolutionary old-timers that no significant political changes are planned. The growing effort to shore up party influence troubles some, particularly activists such as Oswaldo Paya, who has sought a referendum on civil and political rights."
"In accepting the presidency, Raul Castro made clear that he was not filling his brother's shoes alone, and that the entire Communist Party was poised to inherit Fidel's political power. The party, he said, "is the sole worthy heir."

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