26 February 2008

Hillary's first use of a sink in years

Seems they're using a classic phrase to describe the struggle in the Democratic primaries:
The San Jose Mercury News reports that Clinton's campaign is "throwing the kitchen sink" at Obama: "After struggling for months to dent Sen. Barack Obama's candidacy, the campaign of Sen. Hillary Clinton is unleashing what one Clinton aide called a 'kitchen sink' fusillade against Obama, pursuing five lines of attack since Saturday in hopes of stopping his political momentum."

Rico says, while it took her campaign awhile to admit it, it's what he's been saying all along about the tizzy over the Obama-in-native-garb photo: "If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed. Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely." Wait a minute; they should be ashamed? Didn't the Clinton campaign issue the photo in an attempt to brand him with the Islamic boogy-man image? The Clintons are getting desperate...

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