22 February 2008

He wins, she loses

According to Time on-line, Obama won the debate in Texas last night. Even Hillary had to admit it's been much ado about nothing (there's that plagiarism again): "Whatever happens, we're going to be fine."
It may, in the end, be a moot point: "Barack Obama has racked up 11 victories in a row in the two weeks since Super Tuesday, grabbing the lead in pledged delegates, and momentum."
Obama definitely understood the challenges of being the commander in chief: "My number one job as president will be to keep the American people safe. I will do whatever is required to accomplish that. I will not hesitate to act against those that would do America harm. Now, that involves maintaining the strongest military on earth, which means that we are training our troops properly and equipping them properly, and putting them on proper rotations."

Rico agrees with Time that "more and more people are perceiving the reality of what's happening on the campaign trail as well, and despite her best efforts in Austin Thursday night, Hillary Clinton still appears unable to alter it."
Rico says he will be happy when this bullshit is over and Obama and McCain can get down to slinging vituperation man-to-man between now and the election...

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